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2GIS is a free directory that contains 95% reliable information about maps, routes, data about enterprises and organizations in 280 cities in Russia and some foreign localities. With the help of this Application, any user will easily navigate in any place where they find themselves for the first time, find the point of interest or attraction they need, and choose the optimal route to their final destination in a matter of seconds.


    • Free download.
    • Clear and user-friendly interface.
    • Regular update of application data once a month.
    • Maps of major cities in Russia and some foreign countries, such as Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Czech Republic, and Italy.
    • Comprehensive and up-to-date information about objects, buildings, and companies within them.
    • Detailed descriptions of enterprises and organizations.
    • Navigator option, information about public transport routes and traffic jams on the road.
    • Ability to make notes directly on the map.
    • Many functions work offline without internet, if the database has already been installed on the PC.
    • The program can be used to track the movements of a subject.
    • There are maps of the internal layout of large shopping centers.


    • In some cities, new, little-known organizations are not listed;
    • If the public transport route has recently been changed, information about new stops may be missing.

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    • good graphics engine
    • different layers
    • explore new places from the Moon to Mars
    • free version


    • uneven content in some regions
    • Stable Internet connection required