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GTA V to Windows

Rockstar Games


Grand Theft Auto V, which was released on consoles back in 2013, was not released on PC until 2020. But over the years, interest in it has not disappeared at all. On the contrary, the players treated it as a long-awaited novelty. After all, games like GTA 5 is a one-off product.


Date added
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License Freeware
Compatibility Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows 11
Supported languages English, Russian

Pros and Cons

  • A working concept of three different protagonists
  • Memorable personalities of the main characters
  • Elaborate dialogues
  • Huge open city
  • Nice graphics
  • Some missions are not that interesting.
  • Some may be upset by one of the game's three endings

More about GTA V

The heir to the legendary Grand Theft Auto series, now in its fifth installment, was released on PC in 2020. A game that in many ways epitomizes the gaming industry as a whole. What other project will give such an opportunity to carelessly drive a car through the sunny city of San Andreas, the prototype of which served Los - Angeles, listening to your favorite songs on the radio. All around an open world brimming with details and full of characters. This is the kind of gaming experience you can only have once in a few years.

The game city is large and varied

Los Santos development made really like a real American metropolis. Its size is impressive - it is almost several times bigger than the city from the last fourth part. The quality of the environment is very high, and the size of the city does not harm the details. Los Santos is really nice and interesting to just walk around. The high interactivity of the city makes you immerse yourself in it and explore for hours.

A classic for all times

This time the player again finds himself in the famous and timeless city of Los Santos. The developers gave the opportunity to play not one hero, as it was in the previous parts, but three.

Michael Townley is a former bank robber who has been professionally involved in robbery all his life. At the age of 48, he retired from the criminal business.
Franklin Clinton is a black kid from a poor part of town. Age 25. works as an illegal delivery courier. Fan of cars and speed.
Trevor Phillips is a friend of Michael Townley. Age - 42, former military aviator, hooked on drugs and discharged from the army.

The player will go through the exciting journey of these three characters from beginning to end.
In the course of the game the player will have to get out of the various twists and turns, including, of course, the police chases, shootouts and fights. An important element of the gameplay was the preparation for bank robberies, their planning, choosing weapons and the method of robbery - all at the discretion of the player. In this and other aspects GTA 5 reached a new, more serious and thoughtful level. Missions are more diverse.

Many new activities are added - you can visit cafes, fill up your tanks at gas stations, explore ocean's underwater world and even trade in securities.

GTA Online

Besides large and impressive single-player campaign the player gets an opportunity to play an exciting multiplayer game in the world of Los Santos with other players. You first need to choose a character and go out into the open world to play - pump up your hero and commit robberies simultaneously with 30 other players!

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