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Elden Ring to Windows



In the review presented a brief description of the game Elden Ring. Its main advantages, similarities and differences from other Soulslike projects are considered.


Date added
Update Date
License Freeware
Compatibility Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows 11
Supported languages English, Russian

Pros and Cons

  • A huge, diverse open world filled with many quests, geocaches, and unexpected bossfights
  • Thrilling storyline from George Martin - author of Game of Thrones
  • New, redesigned weapon enhancement system
  • Great scope for in-game character customization
  • A high level of difficulty that newcomers to the genre will have to get used to.
  • Optimization issues. The game is very demanding to iron
  • Problematic multiplayer
  • Lingering and monotonous individual tasks

More about Elden Ring

Another Soulslike game from FromSoftware lived up to all expectations and turned out to be a real revolution in the genre. It contains the best of the Dark Souls series, Sekiro and other similar projects. We offer you Elden Ring - the best game of the studio at the moment.

Plot and gameplay

The quality of the plot is not inferior to other projects of famous authors. The player has to go to Meso-Earth - once a great kingdom, ruled by the wise queen Marika and her half-gods. Well-being and prosperity in the country was provided by the Golden Order - religion, the great philosophical idea, the basis of which - the Ring of Elden, an ancient sacred artifact. However, discord broke out in the country, bloody feuds broke out, and the relic was destroyed and the Golden Order ceased to exist. In order to restore peace and prosperity, Marika summons the Legion of Exiles - exiles who previously rejected the Golden Order. The player is one of them, and he is destined to play a decisive role in saving the Middle-earth, collecting the Ring of Elden and restoring peace and prosperity in these lands.

The game abounds with a huge number of artifacts, main and side quests, difficult bosses and no less difficult monsters. But all this is tied in with a brand new open world concept, which FromSoftware has never used before. That's why Elden Ring is not just Dark Souls or Bloodborne, it's a completely new take on the genre.

The gameplay though resembles all the previous projects, but the developers managed to keep the main traits of the previous Dark Souls and Bloodborne games and also to bring new mechanics and features which were very appropriate. For example, weapon upgrades and character customization became much more flexible, which gives an opportunity to use a lot of new combat techniques and methods. The faithful companion of the character, who first appeared in Elden Ring, turns the idea of exploring locations and fighting the enemies upside down. In general, the game managed to surprise everyone - both complete beginners and experienced gamers.

Despite the fact that the game turned out to be similar to its forebears in many ways, it never seems to be a travesty from these projects, Elden Ring has something to surprise both fans and newcomers to Soulslike. Right now you can download Elden Ring from ODVme.com and try yourself as the savior of Middle-earth. Good luck!

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