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Elite Dangerous to Windows

Frontier Developments


Elite: Dangerous is the fourth installment in the Elite series and the first to feature multiplayer. You can play alone, in a group of friends, or turn on mass online mode. At ODVme.com you can download Elite: Dangerous for Windows and install it on your device.


Date added
Update Date
License Freeware
Compatibility Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows 11
Supported languages English, Russian

Pros and Cons

  • beautiful graphics
  • a large open world, free exploration of outer space
  • multiplayer mode
  • trading, engaging in space battles or leisurely exploration of star systems
  • storyline
  • Sometimes the gameplay can seem a bit drawn out and monotonous, especially if the player is not very interested in the space theme

More about Elite Dangerous

Elite: Dangerous is an open-world space simulator, where players have to pilot a ship while exploring a realistic three-dimensional model of the Milky Way galaxy. Elite: Dangerous has a multiplayer mode. You can explore the open world on your own or together with your friends, and also take part in space battles or trade.

Elite: Dangerous Overview

You begin exploring a large open world on a Sidewinder spaceship with little money. The galaxy you explore is comparable in scale to the number of star systems in the Milky Way. About 150 thousand of them correspond to real astronomical data, the other part is partly fictional. Planets and stars in the Galaxy have rings, where you can mine resources with different chemical composition, which affects the possibility of using them.

The player decides for himself how he will interact with the game universe, but his actions can have a significant impact on the inhabited worlds, launch various economic processes, influence the political situation. For example, by increasing trade turnover players can provoke an economic boom, while completing missions for factions affects the ratio of political forces, which can cause destabilization or even unleash civil war. If a faction's power increases, it triggers expansion and expands its influence to other star systems.

However, most of the gameplay is taken up by flying from one point to another, searching for interesting objects and phenomena. The in-game universe is poorly filled with events and activities, especially if you leave the small part of the inhabited zone, where most of the confrontations between players and factions unfold.

However, there are plenty of interesting events as well. For example, after the release of the Horizons expansion, when it became possible to land on planets without an atmosphere, the players began to come across various manifestations of alien life, in addition, they discovered the remains of the ancient civilization of the Guardians. Although the developers left clues, players found evidence of their presence on their own, during the usual exploration of the vastness of the Galaxy. And in the Odyssey expansion it was possible to control your character directly both on space stations and when landing on planets.

Therefore, despite the seeming routine and monotony of gameplay during the flights, the game presents entertaining discoveries and surprises. At the moment only a small percentage of the game world has been explored, and no one knows what the rest of it may conceal.

At ODVme.com you can download Elite: Dangerous for Windows and install it on your PC.

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