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Zombie Castaways on Android

File size
176 Mb


Zombie Farm game for android was released on June 9, 2016. It is developed in the farm simulator genre. The gameplay allows you to develop a farm in order to come to the cherished goal of becoming human. The zombie can regain his human appearance with the help of a magic potion, prepared according to a unique recipe of 24 ingredients.


Date added
Update Date
License Freeware
Compatibility Android 5.x, Android 6.x, Android 7.x, Android 8.x, Android 9.x, Android 10.x, Android 11.x, Android 12.x, Android 13.x, Android 14.x
Supported languages English, Russian


Pros and Cons

  • Addictive gameplay
  • Complete a variety of quests
  • Colorful graphics
  • Interesting characters
  • Nice music

More about Zombie Castaways

Legend has it that any zombie can become human. Only to brew the salvation potion it is necessary to find special ingredients. To clarify the mystery sooner, the zombies decided to farm.

  • To sell an item, click on the button with blue arrows, and then on the icon in the form of coins. To exit the sales system, click on the button with the red cross.
  • You will need gold shovels to find collectibles on a large land. Collectibles are located under trees, bushes, rocks and scenery. When you find a secret treasure trove of rare treasures, the corresponding box will pop up.
  • Tools for clearing the islands can be found in the wells, often hidden behind the clouds. Or you can buy them on the market in the "Buildings" section.
  • A universal tool in the game is the Super Sword. Suitable for cutting grass, rocks and huge trees.
  • There are different types of wells in Zombie Farm. Unlimited ones give unlimited tools on a permanent basis. Restorable ones turn first into gold and then into disposable ones.
  • Zombies love brains. They need them to run small player errands (clearing the island, cooking, finding items from rare collections). Brains can be obtained by watching short videos or bought at the market.
  • There are 3 types of islands in the zombie world: permanent, intermediate and temporary. Permanent ones (Isle of Love, Big Land) are decorated according to their taste. Here they store the accumulated wealth and hire zombie helpers. Intermediate ones have to be closed to gain access to the next storyline. Temporary ones are only available for 10 days, in time for a certain holiday (e.g., Easter or Christmas).
  • Zombaxes can only disappear because of missing one or more quests.

Farms of various kinds have long attracted the attention of numerous gamers. "Zombie Farm" is launched by millions of players every day. Can anyone leave indifferent the story of a living dead man in love with a beautiful girl? Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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